Friday, April 22, 2011

DESTINY chapter II "Napoleon"

Napoleon age 16
as a Lieutenant in French army
click here to read chapter 1

As a representative of Corsican parliament Carlo traveled to Versailles. There he saw the splendor of French court of all its majesty. French is the envy of Europe. Great Britain, Austria, Prussia (Germany), Spain none have more people or greater wealth. While America is just beginning its experiment on its democracy.

Carlo was an outstretch provence, rumbling of discontent of king Louie the 16th and the aristocratic privileges was no concern of his. The queen Marie Antoinette and the privilege court re-draining France of its precious resources, did not diminished Carlo delight in everything he saw. He dreamed that one day his children would become noble men of glittering of power, when he doesn't have a place. For years Carlo had nourished a plan in Versailles, he saw it will come true.

He worked to secure Napoleon a scholarship to Brienne, a private academy in France. Napoleon set foot in France for the first time in the winter of 1778, A thin sallow nine years old. An accustomed of the warmth Mediterranean, suddenly alone of a windswept plane of northern France. A scholarship boy at the royal military college at Brienne de chateau. He could hardly speak French. For the next five years there will be no holidays there will be no visit home. He had no much friends, he still thought of himself as a gradient subject of an alien king. He thinks of himself as a Corsican. He is surrounded by students who are the children of French aristocrats. And they have nothing in common with this little foreigner. And since he is quite proud, he becomes a loner. When he was in school in Brienne in continental France, where he was very much laughed at and bullied for being a barbarous Corsican, he dreamed all the time of liberating Corsica. But he did something quite exceptional. He conquered his conquerors. He got the better of the French. 

He was 15 when he was promoted to the royal military academy in Paris. Along with the sons of France greatest families he would learn the slender of French civilization. The royal academy was as much as a finishing school. Turning officers into gentlemen as a war college. We were magnificently fed and served, "Bonaparte said". Treated in everyway like officers possess of great wealth. The poor Corsican teenager still felt like an outsider, he entered the world of opulence and lectury, but only served of the few French nobility. One teacher describes him as quiet and solemn frightfully and eager, proud and ambitious and inspiring to everything. He would go far in favorable circumstances his school report said. He began apprenticing as a soldier when he was 16 a second lieutenant. Training in the best artillery unit in the France army. He grew expert in citing a gun handling armours, shot, and deploying men.

His greatest career in military history had began. He feels that the reign will not let him the position he dreamed. The top position is reserve for the noble men and Napoleon came from the minor nobility poor people. Frustrated in his military ambition Bonaparte dreamed to be famous as an author. He wrote the brief history of Corsica even tried to write a Nobel. He knows that he is capable of great things, he thinks that he is distant for greatness. But in that point how can he possibly believe it. "Always alone among men, I come home to dream by myself and to give myself over to all the forces of my melancholy," Napoleon wrote. "My thoughts dwell on death... What fury drives me to wish for my own destruction? No doubt because I see no place for myself in this world.".... click here to continue

" The Revolution"

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